If My Child Has Had Roseola in the Past Can They Get It Again?
Topic vocabulary in contrast
A Choose the correct reply.
1. I've got a/an ……. for the school play tomorrow. I really promise I become a main part!
A rehearsal В practice С audition D performance
ii. Did you read that ……. of the new Lloyd-Rice musical? It said it was awful!
A review В criticism С report D summary
3. I'g going to stay in and ……. Telly tonight.
A meet В watch С look at D view
iv. We really ……. ourselves at the party! Thanks so much for inviting us!
A entertained В had fun С enjoyed D occupied
5. Ellie does a/an ……. each calendar week for the local newspaper. It's usually quite funny.
A comic В comedian С blitheness D cartoon
6. The water park we went to yesterday was fantastic, but the entrance ……. was a scrap expensive.
A ticket В fee С charge D cost
7. Vanilla Sky ……. Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz.
A acts В plays С stars D contains
8. When you're learning to play a musical instrument, it'southward important to … for an 60 minutes or ii every day.
A rehearse В practise С perform D railroad train
9. The play wasn't supposed to be a comedy, but everyone started laughing when some of the ……. fell over and striking i of the actors.
A scenery В scenes С stages D acts
10. Louis de Bernieres' ……. Captain Corelli'due south Mandolin, which is set on the Greek island of Cephallonia during the Second World War, was an international bestseller.
A fiction В account С anecdote D novel
eleven. Have you ……. the joke about the gu y who roughshod off a twenty-metre-high ladder? He was fine – he fell off the bottom rung!
A listened to В overheard С heard D paid attention to
12. Being the usher of a large ……. is an extremely demanding chore. You have to brand certain about a hundred musicians are playing in time.
A group В band С company D orchestra
Phrasal verbs
В Write ane word in each gap.
A Time to come Popular STAR?
My little brother, Carl, takes (1) afterward our dad in that they both similar to sing. The difference is
that Dad'southward got quite a good vocalisation. Carl can't sing at all! This doesn't stop him, though. He's always singing. He starts as soon as he wakes up, and doesn't terminate until he drops (2) ……. at dark. I usually get along very well (3) ……. Carl, simply he can be a flake annoying when he starts showing (4) ……. . Yous can count (5) ……. him to do this whenever we accept guests. My mum and dad will be talking to some friends, and then suddenly the conversation will exist completely drowned (6) ……. by Carl singing at the acme of his lungs. The other twenty-four hours, I told him he should be on the radio. For a 2d he fell (seven) ……. it, until I told him that that if he was on the radio, we could turn information technology off!
С Consummate using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.
come (a)round • go downward • grow on • let down • name after • put on • accept off
1. Marlon Brando volition go downward in history as one of the greatest actors of all time.
2. Our class is going to ……. a play at the end of term.
3. I didn't really like Madonna'southward new single when it came out, only it's starting to ……. me now.
4. Did you lot know that the sandwich is ……. the Earl of Sandwich?
five. The band accept actually ……. since actualization on the Video Music Awards evidence terminal calendar month.
6. The Eurovision Song Contest is ……. again soon. Shall we organise a Eurovision political party?
seven. I felt completely ……. when he refused to give me his autograph. I'grand never going to purchase some other 1 of his CDs!
Phrases and collocations
D Circle the right word.
1. I hope y'all're joking with / about quitting your job!
two. Come in! Brand / Accept yourself at domicile.
3. Having taken part in / of several apprentice karaoke competitions, Daniel was adamant to go himself a recording contract.
four. Have fun / funny at the concert tonight, won't yous?
five. What'due south wrong with boys playing with / in dolls?
6. The audience gave / showed their appreciation for the cast past giving them a continuing ovation.
seven. We're thinking of having / giving Dad a surprise 40th birthday political party.
8. Voicing / Speaking your opinion on a alive TV or radio discussion programme is not as easy as information technology sounds.
E Circle the extra discussion in each judgement.
1. What time did you get to habitation terminal dark?
2. Y'all shouldn't make the fun of Tim merely because he's smaller than yous.
iii. A number of contemporary art installations are on the evidence at the moment at the Zwyborg Gallery.
iv. Didn't you find out that joke funny?
v. I estimate we'll have to join up the queue.
half dozen. Everyone sabbatum there in the silence as the comedian stumbled through his routine.
7. It'southward not frequently I laugh out loud during a movie, but There's Something Almost Mary had me roaring out with laughter the whole time.
8. I'm never going to be part with this first edition of Dickens's Slap-up Expectations.
9. I have the impression of Sasha's thinking most giving up ballet classes.
Discussion patterns
F Consummate each 2nd judgement using the give-and-take given, so that it has a similar meaning to the get-go sentence. Write between ii and five words in each gap.
one. Was the concert fun? yourself
Did yous enjoyyourself at the concert?
2. I'chiliad sure Kelly will do well in the talent contest. jump
Kelly ……. well in the talent competition.
3. Don't worry about your costume; concentrate on learning your lines! instead
Concentrate on learning your lines ……. most your costume!
4. We got in that location early on and so nosotros didn't accept to queue. avoid
We managed to ……. at that place early.
5. Jason said he was sorry that he hadn't invited united states to his party. apologized
Jason ……. us to his political party.
vi. I don't mind if you give me the money for the tickets later on. happy
I ……. requite me the money for the tickets after.
7. Doug isn't commonly tardily. like
Information technology ……. be late.
8. Sean plays the guitar very well. talented
Sean ……. the guitar.
9. Y'all shouldn't get backstage without a pass. supposed
You ……. backstage without a pass.
ten. 'I'll meet you lot outside the theatre at eight whatever happens,' said Dan to Kyle. promised
Dan ……. outside the theatre at eight.
11. I. can't empathise why he won the accolade for best video. deserved
I don't think ……. the laurels for all-time video.
12. In the end, it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening. proved

In the end, information technology ……. a thoroughly enjoyable evening.
13. I can't think who you said had won. say
Who ……. the winner?
Give-and-take formation
G Consummate the text by changing the class of the word in capitals.
Despite the (1) suggestion(southward)(Advise) by many critics that reality TV would be a very short-lived phenomenon, it is still increasing in (2) ……. (Popular). Several reality shows are (3) ……. (CURRENT) watched past millions of viewers each night, and information technology'southward clearly a form of (4) ……. (ENTERTAIN) that'due south here to stay. Indeed, a number of people have become (5) ……. (FAME) because of their (6) ……. (INVOLVE) in reality TV shows, and have gone on to take successful careers every bit singers, (7) ……. (Act) or Telly presenters. We can watch with (eight) ……. (EXCITE) each night the 'goings-on' in the house (or jungle, or bar, or school of arts). The (nine) ……. (Antipodal) between the contestants are interesting and then we don't get (10) ……. (Bore) and there are ofttimes (xi) ……. (VARY) conflicts, which provide further (12) ……. (Charm).
If the contestants have to requite some kind of (13) ……. (PERFORM) at the stop of the week, that'due south even more highly-seasoned. But there's a (14) ……. (SAY) in the Goggle box industry: 'it's all in the editing'and this is especially truthful of reality shows.
Units 23 and 24 Reviw 12
A Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to course a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
I've always wanted to be an (1) ……. but never did annihilation near ENTERTAIN
information technology until I lost my task last year. Afterwards a (2) ……. with a friend about Converse
the (iii) ……. of function life, I decided not to look for another task in Diameter
management, but to earn my living from giving (4) ……. at events PERFORM
like kids' parties. So I became a clown' I'm (5) ……. doing iv or Electric current
five parties a week and I dearest it! I love seeing the (vi) ……. on the EXCITE
kids' faces when I walk in the room. I try to have a lot of (7) ……. in VARY
my act, so I tell jokes- most of which the kids detect (8) ……. – and AMUSE
bend balloons into funny animals, do impersonations of (nine) ……. FAME
people and generally continue the kids (x) involved for an 60 minutes ……. ACT
or two. It'southward the perfect task for me!
(1 mark per respond)
В Consummate the 2nd judgement using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the get-go sentence. Write between 2 and five words.
11. We didn't take a birthday party for Jake; we took him to the movie house instead. instead
Nosotros took Jake to the cinema for his altogether ……. a party.
12. It doesn't surprise me that Sandra wants to live in Hollywood. simply
Information technology ……. want to live in Hollywood.
xiii. I'chiliad certain the audience will go wild when y'all come on stage. leap
The audition ……. wild when you come up on stage.
14. You shouldn't have nutrient into the theatre. supposed
You ……. food into the theatre.
xv. At least he said he was lamentable that he'd ruined my joke! apologized
At least he ……. my joke!
16. My parents don't listen you staying with us after the concert. happy
My parents ……. stay with us after the concert.
17. Don't tease Libby as she doesn't similar it. fun
Don't ……. Libby equally she doesn't like it.
18. That play actually affected me. impression
That play really ……. me.
(1 mark per respond)
С Write a phrasal verb in the correct grade to supersede the words in bold.
nineteen. My dad ……. during the film, equally usual! (fell asleep)
20. I felt so ……. when my parents didn't come up to watch me in the schoolhouse play, (disappointed)
21. Although they're partners in a comedy human activity, plainly they don't ……. with each other offstage, (have a good human relationship)
22. Let's ……. a play at the end of term! (perform)
23. Fiona ……. her mother; they both beloved playing board games! (resembles)
24. I told Marcie that the word'stupid'didn't announced in the lexicon and she ……. it! (believed)
25. Laurel and Hardy volition ……. as one of the greatest double acts in comedy history. (be remembered)
26. You lot tin e'er ……. Uncle Colin to cheer you up when you're feeling miserable. (trust)
(2 marks per answer)
D Choose the correct answer.
27. ……. an Oscar last yr, she's now one of the most powerful film stars in the manufacture.
A She won В To win С The winning of D Having won
28. 'Which cinema did you become to?' The one ……. they don't sell any popcorn!'
A which В where С whom D who
29. That's the actor ……. shorthand I got last twelvemonth!
A whose В who С who's D whom
thirty. ……. to change his name by his amanuensis, John Smith became MarvoThe Magnificent overnight.
A Made В Making С Having made D To make
31. The book ……. she'southward most famous is Trip the light fantastic toe of the Dinosaurs.
A in that В to whom С for which D that
32. Lyle Lovett, ……. I final saw perform over 10 years agone, is on tour again.
A he who В to whom С who D that
33. And the song ……. past our listeners equally their favourite of the week is Goodbye Baby by TheTunesmiths.
A having called В chosen С was chosen D is called
34. 'You didn't get into Harvard, did you?' – 'No, and that'due south the reason ……. I ended up going to drama college!'
A how В which С for that D why
(1 marker per answer)
Due east Choose the correct reply.
35. Could y'all in the paper and run into what'southward on TV tonight?
A see В spotter С wait D examine
36. I'chiliad reading a set in Greece during the Second World War.
A novel В fiction С literature D writing
37. Harry kept us ……. throughout the journey with his non-cease jokes.
A enjoyed В entertained С laughed D pleasured
38. I never read ……. of films every bit I don't trust the critics'opinions.
A reviews В criticisms С articles D investigations
39. How did your become? Practice you think you'll exist offered the main part?
A audit В auditorium С audience D audition twoscore
xl. I'd honey to work in show ……. . Information technology'south so glamorous!
A industry В business organization С commerce D trade
41. Joe told me a joke today but I didn't ……. it at all.
A become В bring С fetch D collect
42 I didn't like this album at first simply it'southward really starting to on me now.
A grow В raise С develop D increase
(1 marker per reply)
Total mark: …../ 50
Unit 25 Grammar
• Unreal by, wishes / contrast
( Unreal past )
• Past tenses practice not always refer to past time. In some sentences and with some verbs or phrases we use a by tense to refer to the present or the time to come or to a general situation.bThese include sentences that contain: | |
Structure | Instance |
a second conditional | I'd buy that pinnacle if I had more greenbacks on me. |
suppose / what if/ imagine | I know information technology's probably not going to happen but suppose/imagine I became a famous supermodel! I know it's probably non going to happen but what ifl became a famous super model? |
would rather+you/he/she/nosotros/ they | I'd rather you lot didn't come with me to the fashion show tomorrow. |
it's (high/about) fourth dimension | Information technology's (high/nearly) time that hats came dorsum in fashion. |
polite questions | Did you want me to send yous our new catalogue when information technology comes out? |
wish / if just | If only/I wish I had something to wear tonight. |
• Suppose, what if and imagine can also be followed by a nowadays tense.
A present tense indicates that the situation is more likely to actually happen.
A past tense indicates that the situation is less likely to actually happen.
✓ What ifyou are accepted into art college? (more likely to happen)
✓ What ifyou were accepted into art higher? (less likely to happen)
( Wishes )
• Nosotros use different structures with wish / if just , depending on exactly what we want to express. | ||
Use | Structure | Example |
Expressing wishes about the nowadays, future or generally | wish/if only + past uncomplicated/ continuous | I wish I was studying history of manner instead of biological science! |
Expressing wishes about the past | wish/if only + past perfect simple/continuous | If but I'd known Burton's was having a sale concluding calendar week. |
Criticising other people or complaining near a state of affairs at present, in the future or more often than not | wish /if only + would | If only Henry would go a haircut! |
Expressing hypothetical power or permission now, in the future or generally | wish/if only + could | I wish I could fit into these jeans. |
Expressing desires in a formal manner | wish + full infinitive | I wish to try on this ball gown. |
WATCH OUT • We practice non usually say If only/I wish I would... ✓ If only /I wish I had enough money to buy these shoes. ✓ If only/I wish I could beget these shoes. • To express desires about the time to come, we often use hope. ✓ I promise I will have plenty coin to buy these shoes next week. ✓ I hope to have plenty coin to buy these shoes next calendar week. |
( although / though / even though )
• Although, though and even though are used to express contrast. Even though is more emphatic than although and though. Though is more than informal than although and fifty-fifty though. | |
Structure | Example |
Although/Though/Even though + subject + verb, subject + verb | Although / Though / Fifty-fifty though I wore a lid, I got sunburn. |
subject + verb, although/though/even though + subject + verb | I got sunburn, although/though/even though I wore a hat. |
WATCH OUT • Though tin can as well come at the end of a sentence. ✓ I wore a hat. I got sunburn, though |
( in spite of/ despite )
• In spite of and despite are used to express contrast. They mean exactly the same thing and have the aforementioned grammatical structures: | |
Structure | Example |
in spite of/ despite + -ing form, subject area + verb | In spite of /Despite wearing a lid, I got sunburn. |
in spite of/ despite + the fact (that) + subject + verb, subject field + verb | In spite of/ Despite the fact (that) I wore a lid, I got sunburn. |
in spite of/ despite + substantive, subject + verb | In spite of/Despite my hat, I got sunburn. |
Spotter OUT • We can also put in spite of/despite in the middle of the judgement. ✓ I got sunburn in spite of/despite wearing a hat. • Nosotros can likewise use the perfect -ing grade to show that the action happened earlier the result. ✓ I got sunburn in spite of/ despite having worn a chapeau. • With in spite of/despite + -ing form , the subject of the principal verb must likewise carry out the action of the -ing verb . |
( nonetheless / however )
However and nevertheless are used to express contrast. However is formal. Nevertheless is even more formal. |
The mode show was expensive to put on. Nonetheless / Nevertheless, it did make a profit. |
The fashion show was expensive to put on. It did brand a profit, however/nevertheless. |
The fashion show was expensive to put on. Information technology did, however/however, make a turn a profit. |
( while / whereas )
• While and whereas are used to contrast two unlike facts or ideas. | |
Structure | Example |
while / whereas + subject + verb, field of study + verb | While/Whereas jeans are worn by both men and women, blouses are worn but by women. |
subject + verb, while / whereas + subject + verb | Blouses are worn merely by women, while / whereas jeans are worn by both men and women. |
A Consummate using the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Don't yous think it'southward time you told(tell) Andrea the truth?
two. What if we ……. (rent) a villa by the sea for the summertime?
3. I'd rather people ……. (transport) me e-mails than ……. (telephone) me.
4. Suppose you lot ……. (be going to) open a clothes store. What kind of clothes would you stock?
5. It's time to ……. (go) now.
6. If you ……. (have) a time automobile, which era would you want to go back to?
7. Shelia would come up with us if she ……. (not have to) piece of work tomorrow.
8. We'd rather you lot ……. (non lend) Brenda whatsoever more money - she's got to larn not to spend what she doesn't have.
nine. It's high fourth dimension I ……. (leave).
x. What if we ……. (get) married? Would that make you happy?
В Each of the words or phrases in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly.
1. I wish I know how to set the timer on this video. Where are the instructions? knew .
2. 'If only I listened to Hilary,' said Warren sadly.'Now it'due south too late.' …….
3. I wish you did close up for five minutes! …….
4. If only Charlie can get tomorrow off work. …….
v. Exercise you lot wish you went with Jack to the concert tomorrow night? …….
six. Excuse me. I wish speaking with the manager of this institution immediately. …….
seven. Albert wishes like annihilation that he was driving more slowly that dark. …….
eight. I wish I would feel well enough to eat something. …….
9. I wish I'll become my test results sooner rather than later. …….
10 If only you to listen to what your teachers tell you! …….
С Choose the correct answer.
1. It's most time yous ……. Thinking about setting up your own concern.
A start В take started С started D to beginning
2. I'd really rather you ……. the kids driblet bits of pizza all over my new sofa.
A don't let В aren't letting С won't let D didn't let
3. ……. anything particular in mind or are you but browsing?
A Did you take В Are you having С Tin y'all accept D Had you had
4. I wish Karen ……. that nosotros're not trying to interfere in her life.
A understands В would sympathize С has understood D is going to empathise
v. I'd have been able to say goodbye to Trish if only ……. to the airport in fourth dimension.
A I become В I got С I have got D I had got
six. Don't you sometimes wish you ……. invisible?
A could be В would be С will be D are
7. Suppose nosotros ……. we could go and live on another planet. Would you desire to get?
A to hear В hearing С heard D having heard
8. Practice you wish ……. an official complaint?
A making В to make С you made D you lot brand
9. Adrian was ……. enough money to buy a new calculator for the schoolhouse.
A wishing to have raised С hoping to take raised
В wishing he will raise D hoping he will enhance
10. Don't you wish we ……. the examination a week on Mon and not tomorrow?
A take В will take С would take D were taking
D Consummate the sentences and then that the meaning remains the same.
1. I don't similar your criticising me all the time.
I wish you wouldn't criticise me all the fourth dimension .
2. It's awful – Sam doesn't know how I feel nearly him!
If only …….
3. I'd love to exist with you in Switzerland right now.
I wish …….
4. Frank regrets not taking the job when he had the chance.
Frank wishes …….
five. Wouldn't you lot similar us to be standing in the middle of Times Foursquare right now?
Don't you wish …….
6. It'southward a shame I tin't play chess as well as Steve.
I wish …….
7. What would y'all exercise if you had a million euros?
Suppose …….
8. I don't actually desire you to smoke in hither.
I'd rather …….
9. It's fourth dimension for them to become to bed.
It's hiah fourth dimension …….
Due east Match to make sentences.
1. Although… 2. Despite… 3. Despite the… 4. Aesop is a vegetarian, … v. Despite his vegetarianism, … 6. In spite… 7. Despite having… viii. Aesop is a vegetarian. However, he… 9. Aesop is a vegetarian. He does… | A. of beingness a vegetarian, Aesop does occasionally swallow fish. В. does occasionally swallow fish. С. Aesop does occasionally eat fish. D. being a vegetarian, Aesop does occasionally eat fish. Eastward. occasionally consume fish, however. F. Aesop's a vegetarian, he does occasionally swallow fish. Thou. been a vegetarian for years, Aesop does occasionally eat fish. H. fact that Aesop is a vegetarian, he does occasionally eat fish. I. although he does occasionally eat fish. |
F Complete using although, despite, however or while.
i. Despite the storm, over x thousand people took role in the marathon.
2. ……. I wrote myself a annotation to remind me, I still forgot to telephone call George tonight.
3. Nearly Egyptologists believe that the Sphinx is about 4000 years sometime. Some geologists, ……. fence that information technology must be at least 14,000 years erstwhile.
4. ……. having taken ii aspirin, I had such a bad headache that I had to become home.
v. I've never seen a UFO. ……. ,that doesn't mean that I don't believe in them.
6. There are nonetheless ii million people unemployed ……. the fact that we're in the middle of an economic boom.
7. ……. no European country carries out capital penalty, it is widely used throughout the U.s..
8. Technology has benefited humankind enormously. In that location are drawbacks with our reliance on technology, ……. .
ix. I couldn't detect my keys ……. searching for them everywhere.
K Consummate each second judgement using the discussion given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first judgement. Write between two and five words in each gap.
i. Although he was exhausted, Mike kept on climbing. fact
In ……. he was exhausted, Mike kept on climbing.
2. Sally had been sure she would win the music competition. She came 3rd, notwithstanding. been
Despite ……. would win the music competition, Emerge came third.
iii. Doug wasn't shortlisted for the job even though he had a bully CV. spite
Doug wasn't shortlisted for the task ……. a great CV.
four. Planes can still take off and land simply ferries have been cancelled. whereas
Ferries accept been cancelled, ……. able to take off and land.
5. Despite having got a good degree, Sandra couldn't discover a well-paid job. even
Sandra couldn't observe a well-paid chore ……. a good degree.
6. Even though he'd been robbed twice, Crimson all the same enjoyed living in the city. having
Red notwithstanding enjoyed living in the metropolis ……. twice.
7. Information technology's a bully film despite the plot being a lilliputian complicated. though
It's a great flick, ……. a little complicated.
8. Despite looking everywhere, the kids failed to discover the tennis brawl. although
The kids failed to find the tennis brawl ……. everywhere.
ix. Pat really enjoyed the match even though she was beaten. of
In ……. Pat actually enjoyed the match.
ten. Despite their thorough investigation of the example, the police didn't manage
to catch the culprit. investigated
Despite ……. , the police force didn't manage to catch the culprit.
H If a line is correct, put a tick (✓) next to the number. If there is an extra word in a line, write it adjacent to the number.
THE Schoolhouse DANCE
i. _________ I went to my first schoolhouse dance terminal Sabbatum night and information technology was a disaster! If
2. _________ only that I'd thought about what I was going to article of clothing a fleck more carefully. Although
3. _________ existence my best friend Jenny had told me it wasn't that kind of event, I'd decided
4. _________ to await really grown-upwardly and wear a dress and high-heeled shoes. When I got
5. _________ there, I looked totally ridiculous and some people started laughing. Despite of
vi. _________ this slight setback, I thought I'd striking the dance floor. If I could have survive that,
7. _________ I could survive anything. But even though that went incorrect! 1 of my heels
viii. _________ snapped - fifty-fifty if though my shoes were make new - and I had to behave them
9. _________ to the side of the room. It was very embarrassing! All the same, despite the disastrous
ten . ________ showtime was, Craig Fielding came up to me and asked me if I wanted to go out with
him side by side Saturday. Of course I said no, but he is cute! We'll encounter what happens!
I Write 1 give-and-take in each gap.
with Sunny Magenta
(i) Despitethe fact that I try to be as upbeat as possible in this column, I have to say Milan has disappointed me. If but we.(two) ……. possibly go back to the glory days of fashion (ie final yr) when skirts were short and pinkish was the new blackness. Pink is still in this year, interestingly enough. (3) ........ , it's only being used in accessories such equally buckles, belts, braces and beads. Brown – the must-have color of the season – has never been my favourite colour, (4) ……. I have to say that Belinda Steven's all-brown paper beachwear was quite stunning. That's in (5) ……. of its complete impracticality, of course. It really is (6) ……. time that haute couture entered the real globe merely a tiny bit. I know it'due south supposed to be more art than clothing, but suppose you actually (7) ……. the error of buying a Diego Fernandez baseball cap fabricated of candle wax. That's one walk in the sunshine and five grand euros is dripping down your face! At present, I'one thousand not saying I wish I (8) ……. stayed dorsum in dull and grey London – the after-show parties were tremendous, as always. But I exercise hope that next season I (9) ……. exist able to written report that the fashion world'south got a grip on itself again, and and then – (10) ……. though none of united states of america will ever be able to beget whatever of the items I describe in this column – at least we'll take something to dream about again.
Unit 26 Vocabulary
Style and design
Topic vocabulary in contrast run across page 196 for definitions | ||
put on/wear | material / vesture | wait/advent |
costume / suit | blouse / top | supply / produce |
dye / paint | pattern / manufacture | glimpse /glance |
fit / suit / match | current / new / mod | boilerplate / everyday |
Phrasal verbs
grab on become popular or fashionable line up get/put into lines practise away with get rid of pop in(to) visit quickly or for a short fourth dimension depict up create (plans, etc) show (a)round have sb on a tour of a place dress up put on fancy or unusual clothes take off remove (a piece of clothing) get over echo or think about once again in order to understand completely tear up rip into pieces grow out of develop from; go likewise big for try on put on (a piece of article of clothing) to see how it looks and whether information technology fits hand down give something valuable to your children or grandchildren, usually when yous die wearable out become old and unusable
Phrases and collocations | |
fine art | work of art; modernistic fine art; art gallery; fine art exhibition |
clothes | put on/try on/wear/have off clothes; apparel line; clothes peg; all-time clothes |
combination | in combination with; combination of |
compliment | pay sb a compliment; compliment sb on sth |
example | exist/set an example; an example of; for instance; follow an/sb'southward case |
fashion | in fashion; exist/leave of fashion; follow manner; fashion model/bear witness |
hair | cut/brush sb's pilus; have/get a new hairdo/hairstyle; have a haircut; permit your hair downwards |
make-up | put on/apply/clothing/accept off make-upwardly |
pattern | follow a pattern; a checked/striped/plain blueprint |
style | in style; exist/go out of style; do sth/go somewhere in style; accept way |
gustation | take/evidence good/bad gustatory modality (in sth); in good/bad taste |
tendency | have a tendency to practise |
trend | a trend in sth; follow/set a trend |
Word patterns | |
suggest sb to exercise; advise sb that; advise sb on/about sth; suggest (sb) confronting sth/doing | proud of sth/sb/doing; proud to exercise |
anxious near sth/doing; anxious to do | refer to sth; refer sb to sth |
criticise sb (for sth/doing) | seem to be; information technology seems that |
insist on sth/doing; insist that | stare at sth/sb |
plenty of sth; plenty more sth; enough to do | utilise sth (for sth/doing); employ sth to do |
fix (sb) for sth; prepare to practise | useful for sth/doing; useful to sb |
Discussion formation | ||
annunciate ad, advertizement(vert), advert, advertiser | enthuse (united nations)enthusiastic(ally), enthusiasm, enthusiast | similar dissimilar(ly), similarity |
concenter (un)attractive(ly), attraction | expect (un)expected(ly), expectation, expectancy | mode (united nations)fashionable(ly), stylist, stylishness |
dazzler beautiful(ly) | fashion (un)fashionable, (un)fashionably | succeed success, (un)successful(ly) |
decide conclusion, (in)decisive(ly), undecided | like akin, dislike, unlike, likeness, (un)likeable, liking | use usage, useful(ly), useless(ly), user, (un)usable |
desire (un)desirable | produce production, producer, production, (un)productive(ly) |

Source: https://lektsia.com/13x609b.html
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