Jquery Image Upload and Crop Asp.net Mvc

Image Cropping Using Jcrop In ASP.NET MVC Awarding

11 infinitesimal read

What is Paradigm cropping?

  • Epitome cropping refer to removal of some part of image
  • Uses to improve framing and size
  • Applied in photograph to resize paradigm

Awarding overview
In this project, I volition show image cropping of an employee phot when employee information saved and modified. Total grime operation practical in the application with paradigm cropping.

Let's take a wait on the implementation of the project.

Tools and Applied science used I have used following tools and technology to develop the project –

  • Visual Studio 2015
  • Visual C#
  • ASP.Internet MVC
  • Entity Framework 5
  • Razor view engine
  • JCrop

Step one: Create a ASP.net MVC Projection

  • Select File -> New project and select the projection template Visual C# -> ASP.NET Spider web Application (.Cyberspace Framework)

  • Select MVC Template and click OK

Pace 2: Change or Add Connection String
Alter or Add connexion string in Web.config as follows

                              <connectionStrings>                <add                name=                "DefaultConnection"                connectionString=                "Data Source=(LocalDb\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\JCropMVCDB.mdf;Initial Catalog=JCropMVCDB;Integrated Security=True"                providerName=                "Organization.Data.SqlClient"                />                </connectionStrings>                          

Footstep three: Install JCrop Nuget Package
Go to Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manages NuGet Package Director for the solution -> Search Jcrop and install jquery.jcrop.js

Step four: Create model class

Create model course "Employee" as follows.

Employee Form

                              using                System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations                ;                using                System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema                ;                namespace                JCropMVC.Models                {                public                course                Employee                {                [                Fundamental                ,                DatabaseGenerated                (                DatabaseGeneratedOption                .                Identity                )]                public                int                Id                {                become                ;                set                ;                }                [                Display                (                Name                =                "Full Name"                )]                [                Required                (                ErrorMessage                =                "Name cannot be empty"                )]                public                cord                Name                {                get                ;                set                ;                }                [                Brandish                (                Name                =                "Begetter Name"                )]                public                string                FatherName                {                get                ;                gear up                ;                }                [                Display                (                Name                =                "Designation"                )]                public                string                Designation                {                get                ;                set up                ;                }                [                Display                (                Name                =                "Mobile No"                )]                public                string                Mobile                {                get                ;                set                ;                }                [                DataType                (                DataType                .                EmailAddress                )]                [                Brandish                (                Name                =                "Electronic mail"                )]                public                cord                Email                {                become                ;                set                ;                }                [                Display                (                Name                =                "Paradigm URL"                )]                public                string                PhotoURL                {                get                ;                set                ;                }                }                }                          

Step 5: Modify Context grade

  • Modify ApplicationDbContext in IdentityModel Class
                              public                class                ApplicationDbContext                :                IdentityDbContext                <                ApplicationUser                >                {                public                ApplicationDbContext                ()                :                base                (                "DefaultConnection"                ,                throwIfV1Schema                :                fake                )                {                }                public                static                ApplicationDbContext                Create                ()                {                return                new                ApplicationDbContext                ();                }                public                DbSet                <                Employee                >                Employees                {                get                ;                prepare                ;                }                }                          

Stride 6: Create Controller and Views

  • Create Employees Controller and Views
  • Click Right button on Controller Binder->Add Controller. Now choose scaffolding template as MVC Controllers with views using Entity Framework and then Click Add.
  • Now select Model grade as Employee and Data Context Class as ApplicationDbContext and click OK.

Step vii: Modify the controller

  • Modify EmployeesController as follows. Hither method ProcessImage(cord croppedImage) is used to process and save image. An extra parameter added for Create and Edit activeness.
                              using                System                ;                using                System.Data.Entity                ;                using                System.Linq                ;                using                System.Net                ;                using                Organisation.Web.Mvc                ;                using                JCropMVC.Models                ;                using                Organisation.IO                ;                namespace                JCropMVC.Controllers                {                public                grade                EmployeesController                :                Controller                {                individual                ApplicationDbContext                db                =                new                ApplicationDbContext                ();                // Get: Employees                public                ActionResult                Index                ()                {                render                View                (                db                .                Employees                .                ToList                ());                }                // Get: Employees/Details/5                public                ActionResult                Details                (                int                ?                id                )                {                if                (                id                ==                nix                )                {                render                new                HttpStatusCodeResult                (                HttpStatusCode                .                BadRequest                );                }                Employee                employee                =                db                .                Employees                .                Detect                (                id                );                if                (                employee                ==                null                )                {                return                HttpNotFound                ();                }                return                View                (                employee                );                }                // GET: Employees/Create                public                ActionResult                Create                ()                {                render                View                ();                }                // Mail service: Employees/Create                // To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific backdrop y'all want to bind to, for                                // more details see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=317598.                [                HttpPost                ]                [                ValidateAntiForgeryToken                ]                public                ActionResult                Create                ([                Bind                (                Include                =                "Id,Name,FatherName,Designation,Mobile,E-mail,PhotoURL"                )]                Employee                employee                ,                string                avatarCropped                )                {                string                filePath                =                ProcessImage                (                avatarCropped                );                employee                .                PhotoURL                =                filePath                ;                if                (                ModelState                .                IsValid                )                {                db                .                Employees                .                Add                (                employee                );                db                .                SaveChanges                ();                return                RedirectToAction                (                "Index"                );                }                return                View                (                employee                );                }                /// <summary>                /// Process image and save in predefined path                /// </summary>                /// <param proper noun="croppedImage"></param>                /// <returns></returns>                private                string                ProcessImage                (                cord                croppedImage                )                {                cord                filePath                =                String                .                Empty                ;                try                {                string                base64                =                croppedImage                ;                byte                []                bytes                =                Convert                .                FromBase64String                (                base64                .                Split                (                ','                )[                ane                ]);                filePath                =                "/Images/Photo/Emp-"                +                Guid                .                NewGuid                ()                +                ".png"                ;                using                (                FileStream                stream                =                new                FileStream                (                Server                .                MapPath                (                filePath                ),                FileMode                .                Create                ))                {                stream                .                Write                (                bytes                ,                0                ,                bytes                .                Length                );                stream                .                Flush                ();                }                }                catch                (                Exception                ex                )                {                string                st                =                ex                .                Message                ;                }                return                filePath                ;                }                // GET: Employees/Edit/5                public                ActionResult                Edit                (                int                ?                id                )                {                if                (                id                ==                null                )                {                return                new                HttpStatusCodeResult                (                HttpStatusCode                .                BadRequest                );                }                Employee                employee                =                db                .                Employees                .                Observe                (                id                );                if                (                employee                ==                null                )                {                return                HttpNotFound                ();                }                return                View                (                employee                );                }                // POST: Employees/Edit/5                // To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific backdrop you lot desire to demark to, for                                // more than details see http://get.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=317598.                [                HttpPost                ]                [                ValidateAntiForgeryToken                ]                public                ActionResult                Edit                ([                Demark                (                Include                =                "Id,Name,FatherName,Designation,Mobile,Email,PhotoURL"                )]                Employee                employee                ,                string                avatarCropped                )                {                string                filePath                =                ProcessImage                (                avatarCropped                );                employee                .                PhotoURL                =                filePath                ;                if                (                ModelState                .                IsValid                )                {                db                .                Entry                (                employee                ).                State                =                EntityState                .                Modified                ;                db                .                SaveChanges                ();                return                RedirectToAction                (                "Index"                );                }                return                View                (                employee                );                }                //[Qualify(Users ="sumon")]                // GET: Employees/Delete/5                public                ActionResult                Delete                (                int                ?                id                )                {                if                (                id                ==                null                )                {                return                new                HttpStatusCodeResult                (                HttpStatusCode                .                BadRequest                );                }                Employee                employee                =                db                .                Employees                .                Find                (                id                );                if                (                employee                ==                null                )                {                return                HttpNotFound                ();                }                return                View                (                employee                );                }                // Mail service: Employees/Delete/5                [                HttpPost                ,                ActionName                (                "Delete"                )]                [                ValidateAntiForgeryToken                ]                public                ActionResult                DeleteConfirmed                (                int                id                )                {                Employee                employee                =                db                .                Employees                .                Notice                (                id                );                db                .                Employees                .                Remove                (                employee                );                db                .                SaveChanges                ();                render                RedirectToAction                (                "Index"                );                }                protected                override                void                Dispose                (                bool                disposing                )                {                if                (                disposing                )                {                db                .                Dispose                ();                }                base                .                Dispose                (                disposing                );                }                }                }                          

Step viii: Modify the views for Employee


                              @model                JCropMVC                .                Models                .                Employee                @                {                ViewBag                .                Title                =                "Create"                ;                }                <                h2                class                ="                breadcrumb                ">                                Create                Employee                Information                </                h2                >                @using                (                Html                .                BeginForm                (                "Create"                ,                "Employees"                ,                null                ,                FormMethod                .                Post                ,                new                {                enctype                =                "multipart/form-information"                }))                {                @Html                .                AntiForgeryToken                ()                <                hr                />                @Html                .                ValidationSummary                (                truthful                )                <                div                class                ="                form                -                grouping                ">                                @Html                .                LabelFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Proper name                ,                new                {                @class                =                ""                })                @Html                .                TextBoxFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Name                ,                new                {                @class                =                "form-control"                ,                placeholder                =                "Enter employee total name..."                ,                type                =                "text"                })                @Html                .                ValidationMessageFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Proper noun                )                </                div                >                <                div                class                ="                form                -                grouping                ">                                @Html                .                LabelFor                (                model                =>                model                .                FatherName                ,                new                {                @class                =                ""                })                @Html                .                TextBoxFor                (                model                =>                model                .                FatherName                ,                new                {                @class                =                "grade-control"                ,                placeholder                =                "Enter father proper noun..."                ,                type                =                "text"                })                @Html                .                ValidationMessageFor                (                model                =>                model                .                FatherName                )                </                div                >                <                div                class                ="                class                -                grouping                ">                                @Html                .                LabelFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Designation                ,                new                {                @class                =                ""                })                @Html                .                TextBoxFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Designation                ,                new                {                @form                =                "form-control"                ,                placeholder                =                "Enter designation proper noun..."                ,                type                =                "text"                })                @Html                .                ValidationMessageFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Designation                )                </                div                >                <                div                class                ="                grade                -                grouping                ">                                @Html                .                LabelFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Mobile                ,                new                {                @class                =                ""                })                @Html                .                TextBoxFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Mobile                ,                new                {                @form                =                "form-control"                ,                placeholder                =                "Enter mobile number..."                ,                type                =                "text"                })                @Html                .                ValidationMessageFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Mobile                )                </                div                >                <                div                grade                ="                form                -                group                ">                                @Html                .                LabelFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Email                ,                new                {                @class                =                ""                })                @Html                .                TextBoxFor                (                model                =>                model                .                E-mail                ,                new                {                @grade                =                "course-control"                ,                placeholder                =                "Enter email address..."                ,                blazon                =                "text"                })                @Html                .                ValidationMessageFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Email                )                </                div                >                <                div                class                ="                form                -                group                ">                                @Html                .                LabelFor                (                model                =>                model                .                PhotoURL                ,                new                {                @class                =                ""                })                <                input                type                =                "file"                id                =                "flPhoto"                name                =                "upload"                />                <                table                >                <                tr                >                <                td                >                Width                :                <                label                id                =                "lblWidth"                >                200                px                </                label                >                &                nbsp                ;                Height                :                <                label                id                =                "lblHeight"                >                200                px                </                label                >                </                td                >                <                td                >                <                a                href                =                "#"                id                =                "hlcropImage"                way                =                "vertical-marshal:meridian;"                >                Crop                Image                </                a                >                </                td                >                </                tr                >                <                tr                >                <                td                >                <                div                style                =                "height:400px; width:400px; overflow:machine;"                >                <                img                id                =                "imgEmpPhoto"                src                =                "~/Images/Default/emp-blank-avatar.png"                alt                =                "Employee Paradigm"                />                </                div                >                </                td                >                <                td                >                <                sail                id                =                "canvas"                height                =                "v"                width                =                "5"                style                =                "vertical-align:top;"                ></                canvas                >                </                td                >                </                tr                >                </                tabular array                >                </                div                >                <                p                >                <                img                id                =                "imgCropped"                src                =                "#"                mode                =                "brandish:none;"                />                </                p                >                <                input                type                =                "subconscious"                proper name                =                "avatarCropped"                id                =                "avatarCropped"                />                <                div                course                ="                form                -                group                ">                                <                input                type                =                "submit"                value                =                "Create"                course                ="                btn                btn                -                primary                " />                                </                div                >                }                <                div                >                @Html                .                ActionLink                (                "Back to List"                ,                "Index"                )                </                div                >                @section                Scripts                {                @Scripts                .                Render                (                "~/bundles/jqueryval"                )                <                script                type                =                "text/javascript"                >                var                imageCropWidth                =                0                ;                var                imageCropHeight                =                0                ;                var                cropPointX                =                0                ;                var                cropPointY                =                0                ;                var                jcropApi                ;                $                (                document                ).                ready                (                function                ()                {                //initCrop();                });                $                (                "#hlcropImage"                ).                on                (                "click"                ,                function                (                e                )                {                /*             The outcome.preventDefault() method stops the default action of             an element from happening. For example: Prevent a submit push button             from submitting a form. Forestall a link from following the URL             */                e                .                preventDefault                ();                cropImage                ();                });                part                initCrop                ()                {                $                (                '#                imgEmpPhoto                '                ).                Jcrop                ({                onChange                :                setCoordsAndImgSize                ,                aspectRatio                :                0                ,                // 1 means volition be same for height and weight                onSelect                :                setCoordsAndImgSize                },                function                ()                {                jcropApi                =                this                });                }                office                showCoordinate                ()                {                $                (                "#lblWidth"                ).                text                (                imageCropWidth                +                "px"                );                $                (                "#lblHeight"                ).                text                (                imageCropHeight                +                "px"                );                }                part                setCoordsAndImgSize                (                east                )                {                imageCropWidth                =                due east                .                westward                ;                imageCropHeight                =                due east                .                h                ;                cropPointX                =                e                .                ten                ;                cropPointY                =                e                .                y                ;                $                (                "#lblWidth"                ).                text                (                imageCropWidth                +                "px"                );                $                (                "#lblHeight"                ).                text                (                imageCropHeight                +                "px"                );                }                part                cropImage                ()                {                if                (                imageCropWidth                ==                0                &&                imageCropHeight                ==                0                )                {                alarm                (                "Please select crop area."                );                render                ;                }                var                img                =                $                (                "#imgEmpPhoto"                ).                attr                (                "src"                );                /*Bear witness cropped epitome*/                showCroppedImage                ();                }                function                showCroppedImage                ()                {                var                x1                =                cropPointX                ;                var                y1                =                cropPointY                ;                var                width                =                imageCropWidth                ;                var                height                =                imageCropHeight                ;                var                canvass                =                $                (                "#canvas"                )[                0                ];                var                context                =                sheet                .                getContext                (                '                2d                '                );                var                img                =                new                Prototype                ();                img                .                onload                =                part                ()                {                canvass                .                height                =                peak                ;                sail                .                width                =                width                ;                context                .                drawImage                (                img                ,                x1                ,                y1                ,                width                ,                tiptop                ,                0                ,                0                ,                width                ,                height                );                $                (                '#                avatarCropped                '                ).                val                (                canvas                .                toDataURL                ());                };                img                .                src                =                $                (                '#                imgEmpPhoto                '                ).                attr                (                "src"                );                }                function                readFile                (                input                )                {                if                (                input                .                files                &&                input                .                files                [                0                ])                {                var                reader                =                new                FileReader                ();                /*Destroy jcrop initialization other wise it will hold it previous image in img tag*/                if                (                jcropApi                !=                goose egg                )                {                jcropApi                .                destroy                ();                }                reader                .                onload                =                role                (                e                )                {                $                (                '#                imgEmpPhoto                '                ).                attr                (                '                src                '                ,                ""                );                var                img                =                $                (                '#                imgEmpPhoto                '                ).                attr                (                '                src                '                ,                e                .                target                .                outcome                );                /*Current uploaded image size*/                var                width                =                img                [                0                ].                elevation                ;                var                height                =                img                [                0                ].                width                ;                $                (                "#lblWidth"                ).                text                (                width                +                "px"                );                $                (                "#lblHeight"                ).                text                (                height                +                "px"                );                //InitCrop must phone call hither otherwise information technology volition not work                initCrop                ();                }                reader                .                readAsDataURL                (                input                .                files                [                0                ]);                }                }                $                (                '#                flPhoto                '                ).                change                (                function                ()                {                readFile                (                this                );                //initCrop();                });                </                script                >                }                          


                              @model                JCropMVC                .                Models                .                Employee                @                {                ViewBag                .                Title                =                "Edit"                ;                }                <                h2                >                Edit                </                h2                >                @using                (                Html                .                BeginForm                ())                {                @Html                .                AntiForgeryToken                ()                @                *<                div                class                ="                form                -                horizontal                ">*@                                <                h4                >                Employee                </                h4                >                <                60 minutes                />                @Html                .                ValidationSummary                (                truthful                ,                ""                ,                new                {                @grade                =                "text-danger"                })                @Html                .                HiddenFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Id                )                <                div                class                ="                course                -                group                ">                                @Html                .                LabelFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Name                ,                htmlAttributes                :                new                {                @class                =                ""                })                @Html                .                EditorFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Proper name                ,                new                {                htmlAttributes                =                new                {                @class                =                "form-control"                }                })                @Html                .                ValidationMessageFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Name                ,                ""                ,                new                {                @class                =                "text-danger"                })                </                div                >                <                div                class                ="                form                -                group                ">                                @Html                .                LabelFor                (                model                =>                model                .                FatherName                ,                htmlAttributes                :                new                {                @class                =                ""                })                @Html                .                EditorFor                (                model                =>                model                .                FatherName                ,                new                {                htmlAttributes                =                new                {                @form                =                "class-control"                }                })                @Html                .                ValidationMessageFor                (                model                =>                model                .                FatherName                ,                ""                ,                new                {                @form                =                "text-danger"                })                </                div                >                <                div                class                ="                form                -                grouping                ">                                @Html                .                LabelFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Designation                ,                htmlAttributes                :                new                {                @course                =                ""                })                @Html                .                EditorFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Designation                ,                new                {                htmlAttributes                =                new                {                @class                =                "class-control"                }                })                @Html                .                ValidationMessageFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Designation                ,                ""                ,                new                {                @class                =                "text-danger"                })                </                div                >                <                div                course                ="                course                -                grouping                ">                                @Html                .                LabelFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Mobile                ,                htmlAttributes                :                new                {                @form                =                ""                })                @Html                .                EditorFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Mobile                ,                new                {                htmlAttributes                =                new                {                @form                =                "form-control"                }                })                @Html                .                ValidationMessageFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Mobile                ,                ""                ,                new                {                @class                =                "text-danger"                })                </                div                >                <                div                class                ="                form                -                group                ">                                @Html                .                LabelFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Email                ,                htmlAttributes                :                new                {                @class                =                ""                })                @Html                .                EditorFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Electronic mail                ,                new                {                htmlAttributes                =                new                {                @class                =                "course-control"                }                })                @Html                .                ValidationMessageFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Email                ,                ""                ,                new                {                @grade                =                "text-danger"                })                </                div                >                @                *<                div                class                ="                form                -                group                ">                                @Html                .                LabelFor                (                model                =>                model                .                PhotoURL                ,                htmlAttributes                :                new                {                @class                =                ""                })                <                div                class                ="                col                -                doc                -                10                ">                                @Html                .                EditorFor                (                model                =>                model                .                PhotoURL                ,                new                {                htmlAttributes                =                new                {                @grade                =                "form-control"                }                })                @Html                .                ValidationMessageFor                (                model                =>                model                .                PhotoURL                ,                ""                ,                new                {                @class                =                "text-danger"                })                </                div                >                </                div                >*                @                <                div                class                ="                grade                -                group                ">                                @Html                .                LabelFor                (                model                =>                model                .                PhotoURL                ,                new                {                @class                =                ""                })                <                input                blazon                =                "file"                id                =                "flPhoto"                name                =                "upload"                />                <                table                >                <                tr                >                <                td                >                Width                :                <                label                id                =                "lblWidth"                >                200                px                </                label                >                &                nbsp                ;                Tiptop                :                <                label                id                =                "lblHeight"                >                200                px                </                label                >                </                td                >                <                td                >                <                a                href                =                "#"                id                =                "hlcropImage"                manner                =                "vertical-align:top;"                >                Crop                Image                </                a                >                </                td                >                </                tr                >                <                tr                >                <                td                >                <                div                manner                =                "peak:400px; width:400px; overflow:auto;"                >                <                img                id                =                "imgEmpPhoto"                src                =                "@Model.PhotoURL"                alt                =                "Employee Prototype"                />                </                div                >                </                td                >                <                td                >                <                sail                id                =                "canvas"                summit                =                "5"                width                =                "five"                fashion                =                "vertical-marshal:top;"                ></                sail                >                </                td                >                </                tr                >                </                table                >                </                div                >                <                p                >                <                img                id                =                "imgCropped"                src                =                "#"                manner                =                "brandish:none;"                />                </                p                >                <                input                type                =                "subconscious"                name                =                "avatarCropped"                id                =                "avatarCropped"                />                <                div                class                ="                form                -                grouping                ">                                <                div                class                ="                col                -                md                -                offset                -                two                col                -                medico                -                ten                ">                                <                input                blazon                =                "submit"                value                =                "Relieve"                class                ="                btn                btn                -                primary                " />                                </                div                >                </                div                >                @                *</                div                >*                @                }                <                div                >                @Html                .                ActionLink                (                "Back to List"                ,                "Alphabetize"                )                </                div                >                @section                Scripts                {                @Scripts                .                Render                (                "~/bundles/jqueryval"                )                <                script                type                =                "text/javascript"                >                var                imageCropWidth                =                0                ;                var                imageCropHeight                =                0                ;                var                cropPointX                =                0                ;                var                cropPointY                =                0                ;                var                jcropApi                ;                $                (                document                ).                prepare                (                role                ()                {                //initCrop();                });                $                (                "#hlcropImage"                ).                on                (                "click"                ,                part                (                eastward                )                {                /*             The event.preventDefault() method stops the default activeness of             an element from happening. For example: Prevent a submit push             from submitting a form. Prevent a link from following the URL             */                east                .                preventDefault                ();                cropImage                ();                });                part                initCrop                ()                {                $                (                '#                imgEmpPhoto                '                ).                Jcrop                ({                onChange                :                setCoordsAndImgSize                ,                aspectRatio                :                0                ,                // ane means will be aforementioned for meridian and weight                onSelect                :                setCoordsAndImgSize                },                function                ()                {                jcropApi                =                this                });                }                part                showCoordinate                ()                {                $                (                "#lblWidth"                ).                text                (                imageCropWidth                +                "px"                );                $                (                "#lblHeight"                ).                text                (                imageCropHeight                +                "px"                );                }                part                setCoordsAndImgSize                (                e                )                {                imageCropWidth                =                east                .                w                ;                imageCropHeight                =                e                .                h                ;                cropPointX                =                e                .                x                ;                cropPointY                =                e                .                y                ;                $                (                "#lblWidth"                ).                text                (                imageCropWidth                +                "px"                );                $                (                "#lblHeight"                ).                text                (                imageCropHeight                +                "px"                );                }                function                cropImage                ()                {                if                (                imageCropWidth                ==                0                &&                imageCropHeight                ==                0                )                {                alert                (                "Please select crop area."                );                return                ;                }                var                img                =                $                (                "#imgEmpPhoto"                ).                attr                (                "src"                );                /*Show cropped image*/                showCroppedImage                ();                }                function                showCroppedImage                ()                {                var                x1                =                cropPointX                ;                var                y1                =                cropPointY                ;                var                width                =                imageCropWidth                ;                var                elevation                =                imageCropHeight                ;                var                canvas                =                $                (                "#canvas"                )[                0                ];                var                context                =                canvas                .                getContext                (                '                second                '                );                var                img                =                new                Image                ();                img                .                onload                =                role                ()                {                canvas                .                acme                =                height                ;                canvass                .                width                =                width                ;                context                .                drawImage                (                img                ,                x1                ,                y1                ,                width                ,                height                ,                0                ,                0                ,                width                ,                height                );                $                (                '#                avatarCropped                '                ).                val                (                sail                .                toDataURL                ());                };                img                .                src                =                $                (                '#                imgEmpPhoto                '                ).                attr                (                "src"                );                }                function                readFile                (                input                )                {                if                (                input                .                files                &&                input                .                files                [                0                ])                {                var                reader                =                new                FileReader                ();                /*Destroy jcrop initialization other wise it will hold it previous image in img tag*/                if                (                jcropApi                !=                null                )                {                jcropApi                .                destroy                ();                }                reader                .                onload                =                function                (                east                )                {                $                (                '#                imgEmpPhoto                '                ).                attr                (                '                src                '                ,                ""                );                var                img                =                $                (                '#                imgEmpPhoto                '                ).                attr                (                '                src                '                ,                due east                .                target                .                consequence                );                /*Current uploaded image size*/                var                width                =                img                [                0                ].                acme                ;                var                meridian                =                img                [                0                ].                width                ;                $                (                "#lblWidth"                ).                text                (                width                +                "px"                );                $                (                "#lblHeight"                ).                text                (                pinnacle                +                "px"                );                //InitCrop must call here otherwise it volition non piece of work                initCrop                ();                }                reader                .                readAsDataURL                (                input                .                files                [                0                ]);                }                }                $                (                '#                flPhoto                '                ).                change                (                office                ()                {                readFile                (                this                );                //initCrop();                });                </                script                >                }                          


                              @model                IEnumerable                <                JCropMVC                .                Models                .                Employee                >                @                {                ViewBag                .                Championship                =                "Index"                ;                }                <                h2                >                Index                </                h2                >                <                p                >                @Html                .                ActionLink                (                "Create New"                ,                "Create"                )                </                p                >                <                table                class                ="                tabular array                table                -                hover                ">                                <                tr                class                ="                success                ">                                <                th                >                @Html                .                DisplayNameFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Proper name                )                </                th                >                <                th                >                @Html                .                DisplayNameFor                (                model                =>                model                .                FatherName                )                </                th                >                <                th                >                @Html                .                DisplayNameFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Designation                )                </                thursday                >                <                th                >                @Html                .                DisplayNameFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Mobile                )                </                th                >                <                th                >                @Html                .                DisplayNameFor                (                model                =>                model                .                E-mail                )                </                th                >                <                th                >                @Html                .                DisplayNameFor                (                model                =>                model                .                PhotoURL                )                </                th                >                <                th                ></                th                >                </                tr                >                @foreach                (                var                item                in                Model                )                {                <                tr                >                <                td                >                @Html                .                DisplayFor                (                modelItem                =>                item                .                Proper name                )                </                td                >                <                td                >                @Html                .                DisplayFor                (                modelItem                =>                item                .                FatherName                )                </                td                >                <                td                >                @Html                .                DisplayFor                (                modelItem                =>                detail                .                Designation                )                </                td                >                <                td                >                @Html                .                DisplayFor                (                modelItem                =>                item                .                Mobile                )                </                td                >                <                td                >                @Html                .                DisplayFor                (                modelItem                =>                item                .                Email                )                </                td                >                <                td                >                <                img                src                =                "@item.PhotoURL"                id                =                "photo"                pinnacle                =                "50"                width                =                "50"                />                @                *<                img                id                =                "photo"                src                =                "~/Images/Photo/Emp-94a18d39-6de9-4330-a035-9a9dcf7c0927.png"" />*@                                @                *                @Html                .                DisplayFor                (                modelItem                =>                item                .                PhotoURL                )*                @                </                td                >                <                td                >                @Html                .                ActionLink                (                "Edit"                ,                "Edit"                ,                new                {                id                =                item                .                Id                })                |                @Html                .                ActionLink                (                "Details"                ,                "Details"                ,                new                {                id                =                item                .                Id                })                |                @Html                .                ActionLink                (                "Delete"                ,                "Delete"                ,                new                {                id                =                item                .                Id                })                </                td                >                </                tr                >                }                </                table                >                          


                              @model                JCropMVC                .                Models                .                Employee                @                {                ViewBag                .                Title                =                "Delete"                ;                }                <                h2                >                Delete                </                h2                >                <                h3                >                Are                y'all                certain                you                want                to                delete                this                ?</                h3                >                <                div                >                <                h4                >                Employee                </                h4                >                <                hr                />                <                dl                class                ="                dl                -                horizontal                ">                                <                dt                >                @Html                .                DisplayNameFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Name                )                </                dt                >                <                dd                >                @Html                .                DisplayFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Name                )                </                dd                >                <                dt                >                @Html                .                DisplayNameFor                (                model                =>                model                .                FatherName                )                </                dt                >                <                dd                >                @Html                .                DisplayFor                (                model                =>                model                .                FatherName                )                </                dd                >                <                dt                >                @Html                .                DisplayNameFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Designation                )                </                dt                >                <                dd                >                @Html                .                DisplayFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Designation                )                </                dd                >                <                dt                >                @Html                .                DisplayNameFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Mobile                )                </                dt                >                <                dd                >                @Html                .                DisplayFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Mobile                )                </                dd                >                <                dt                >                @Html                .                DisplayNameFor                (                model                =>                model                .                E-mail                )                </                dt                >                <                dd                >                @Html                .                DisplayFor                (                model                =>                model                .                Email                )                </                dd                >                <                dt                >                @Html                .                DisplayNameFor                (                model                =>                model                .                PhotoURL                )                </                dt                >                <                dd                >                @Html                .                DisplayFor                (                model                =>                model                .                PhotoURL                )                </                dd                >                </                dl                >                @using                (                Html                .                BeginForm                ())                {                @Html                .                AntiForgeryToken                ()                <                div                class                ="                course                -                actions                no                -                color                ">                                <                input                type                =                "submit"                value                =                "Delete"                class                ="                btn                btn                -                default                " /> |                                @Html                .                ActionLink                (                "Back to List"                ,                "Alphabetize"                )                </                div                >                }                </                div                >                          

Step 9: Add together image folders
Add Image folders and sub folders (Deafult and Photo) equally follows. Add blank photo in the Default folder to show blank photo for the employee.

Step 10: Add Employee link
Add Employee link in the nav bar of _Layout page as follows.

                              <                ul                class                ="                nav                navbar                -                nav                ">                                <                li                >                @Html                .                ActionLink                (                "Domicile"                ,                "Index"                ,                "Home"                )</                li                >                <                li                >                @Html                .                ActionLink                (                "About"                ,                "About"                ,                "Home"                )</                li                >                <                li                >                @Html                .                ActionLink                (                "Contact"                ,                "Contact"                ,                "Home"                )</                li                >                <                li                >                @Html                .                ActionLink                (                "Employee"                ,                "Alphabetize"                ,                "Employees"                )</                li                >                </                ul                >                          

Stride eleven: Run the awarding
Now run the application. Click Employee link in the nav bar. Y'all can View, add, modify and delete employee information. If you go to the create or edit page, you have an option to upload photo and have option to crop the image and then save the image with employee data. Yes! You are done. Let's cheers!


Source: https://mahedee.net/image-cropping-using-jcrop-with-in-asp-net-mvc-application/

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