Reddit Disabled Quadriplegic Shows Why Sekiro Doesnt Need an Easy Mode

Gamers Vs. SJW's Using The Disabled as Leverage To Add "Easy Mode" to Sekiro

I am going to try and make this as cut and dry as possible without going off the rails on tangents that have nothing to do with exactly the problem at hand here. That being said, I am not always as politically correct as some would like. I personally don't like the term SJW, as I feel it has been bastardized and overused to a point that it is no longer viewed with the original intent of the movement. Please know that my intentions here are not to chastise or crucify any specific groups or individuals or to simply paint them in a bad light because of some bullshit agenda that I made up because I got pissy….

"Disabled quadriplegic shows why Sekiro doesn't need an easy mode"

That video from Limitlessquad on YouTube is more than enough to prove a point. So it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all if you just stopped right here and didn't even read the rest of this. This isn't about me.

Recently there has been a push for the game developer From Software to include an 'Easy Mode' in their latest title, Sekiro. The push to do so is directly because of the game being too hard for a lot of players to complete. If you are not familiar with any previous From Software games such as the Demon Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. Not to mention the laundry list of other titles under their belt. NONE of the titles mentioned were ever intended, nor developed to be easy. They were made with a specific vision in mind, and did not cater to the mass audience of gamers on the market.

Even more recently, seemingly after From Softwares response that they had no intention of ever implementing that into the game, a small group of SJW's decided to pull the disabled into the mix of why they should put an easier mode in the game.

This is where I get pretty annoyed and I feel with good reason.

I myself have a disability. I also enjoy video games. I play difficult games. Sekiro being one of them, and my disability isn't near as debilitating as what others have that play the game. Not once have I heard a complaint from the disabled community asking for any changes to this game. Even if they did, I feel it would be in the best interst of the developers not to implement it.

How are we as humans constantly improving our skills and getting better and better at tasks that we perform? I can tell you that it's not by dialing down the difficulty. It is by repetition and doing harder and more difficult versions of those tasks that we improve them. I know that if everyone had told me that I didn't have to work hard on my physical rehabilitaion that I would magically walk again with no effort, I wouldn't have put myself through the pain that I did to recover as fast as I did. Why would I?

I know some that are reading this right now completely understand what I am saying, and for others it just isn't ever going to register. That's just fine. This article isn't for everyone. Just as not all games are for everyone. Not to mention movies, books, albums, paintings, any piece of art ever made.

Do you hear people complaining about movies and books they buy because they could't understand the complex plots? Sure. What you don't hear is them petitioning the writers and directors to dumb it down for them so they can finish it. That probably wouldn't work out so well, would it?

They are essentially asking artists to change the vision they had for a project, simply because they don't have the ability to finish it. It would be like asking Picasso to repaint his works in ways for the colorblind to see, and to include a brail version of it as well. Does that seem not ok to anyone else?

It is not only a direct insult to the disabled, it is an insult to the intelligence of an entire community of artists, gamers, and to anyone who can see how absolutely disgusting it is to use someones disability as leverage for an agenda they never asked them for.

Furthermore, I would like to state that whoever thought it was a good idea in the SJW community to do this shit, was a complete fool and undermined the actual purpose of the social justice movement. Not only did you pull even more focus away from the good that it has done, and will continue to do, you also managed to further solidify the publics unfavorable opinions. The social justice movement and the people that are truly making a difference, in a good way, don't need clickbait bullshit to do it. They especially don't need anyone using the term when it is obvious that it is being used to garner attention and fuel an agenda for clicks and money. That is why I refuse to link the articles or even mention who they are.

If anyone has anything to add to what I have said, please don't hesitate to do so, even if you disagree. I am always willing to learn and if I am wrong I will admit it and correct the mistakes as I can. If you do not want to say anything publicly, you can send me a message directly.


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